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55. Rollin, I. Z., Papoti, D., Bishop, M., Szczupak, D., Corigliano, M. R., Hitchens, T. K., Zhang, B., Pell, S. K. A., Guretse, S. S., Dureux, A., Murai, T., Rizzo, S. J. S., Klassen, L. M., Zeman, P., Gilbert, K. M., Menon, R. S., Lin, M. K., Everling, S., Silva, A. C., & Schaeffer, D. J. (2025). An Open Access Resource for Marmoset Neuroscientific Apparatus. Imaging Neuroscience, 3, 00483.

54. Wang, Y., Li, S., He, J., Peng, L., Tudorascu, D. L., Schaeffer, D. J., Schaeffer, L., Sukoff Rizzo, S. J., Carter, G. W., Silva, A. C., Zhang, T. (2025). Analysis of functional connectivity changes from childhood to old age: a longitudinal study using HCP-D, HCP-YA, and HCP-A datasets. Imaging Neuroscience, 00503.


53. Liang, L., Zimmermann Rollin, I., Alikaya, A., Ho, J. C, Santini, T., Bostan, A. C., Schwerdt, H. N., Stauffer, W. R., Ibrahim, T. S., Pirondini, E., Schaeffer, D. J. (2024). An open-source MRI compatible frame for multimodal presurgical mapping in macaque and capuchin monkeys. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 407, 110133.

52. Homanics, G. E., Park, J. E., Bailey, L., Schaeffer, D. J., Schaeffer, L., He, J., Li, S., Zhang, T., Haber, A., Spruce, C., Greenwood, A., Murai, T., Schultz, L., Mongeau, L., Ha, S-K., Oluoch, J., Stein, B., Choi, S. H., Huhe, H., Thathiah, A., Strick, P. L., Carter, G. W., Silva, A. C., Rizzo, S. J. S. (2024). Early molecular events of autosomal dominant Alzheimer’s disease in marmosets with PSEN1 mutations. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association, 20(5), 3455-3471.

51. Parks, T. V., Szczupak, D., Choi, S., Schaeffer, D. J. (2024). Noninvasive focal transgene delivery with viral neuronal tracers in the marmoset monkey. Cell Reports Methods, 4, 100709.

50. Szczupak, D.,  Schaeffer, D. J., Tian, X., Choi, S., Yeh, F., Meneses, P., Campos, V. P., Mayo, P., Patsh, J., Mitter, C., Haboosheh, Ha, S. K., Vieira, M. A. C., Reign D. S., Jacobson, S., Kasprian, G., Tovar-Moll, F., Lent, R., Silva, A. C. (2024).  Direct interhemispheric cortical communication via thalamic commissures: a new white-matter pathway in the primate brain. Cerebral Cortex, 34(1), bhad394.


49. Rizzo, S. J. S., Homanics, G., Schaeffer, D. J., Schaeffer, L., Park, J. E., Oluoch, J., Zhang, T., Haber, A., Seyfried, N. T., Paten, B., Greenwood, A., Murai, T., Choi, S. H., Huhe, H., Kofler, J., Strick, P. L., Carter, G. W., Silva, A. C. (2023). Bridging the rodent to human translational gap: Marmosets as model systems for the study of Alzheimer’s disease. Alzhiemer’s & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions, 9(3), e12417.

48. Parks, T. V., Szczupak, D., Choi, S., Mou, Y., Silva, A. C., Schaeffer, D. J. (2023). Noninvasive disruption of the blood-brain barrier in the marmoset monkey. Communications Biology, 6(1). 806.

47. Papoti, D., Szczupak, D.,  Stanos, L. G. C., Chaim, K. T., Otaduy, M. C. G., Schaeffer, D. J., Vidoto, E. L. G., Tannus, A., Sliva, A. C. (2023). Segmented solenoid RF coils for MRI of ex vivo brain samples at ultrahigh field preclinical and clinical scanners. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Open, 16, 100103.


46. Schaeffer, D. J., Gilbert, K. M., Bellyou, M., Silva, A. C., Everling, S. (2022). Frontoparietal connectivity as a product of convergent evolution in rodents and primates: functional connectivity topologies in grey squirrels, rats, and marmosets. Communications Biology, 5, 986.

45. Schaeffer, D. J., Klassen, L. M., Hori, Y., Tian, X., Szczupak, D., Yen, C. C-C., Cléry, J., Gilbert, K. M., Gati, J. S., Menon, R. S., Liu, C., Everling, S., Silva, A. C. (2022). An open access resource for functional connectivity from fully awake marmoset monkeys. NeuroImage, 252, 119030.

44. Milham, M., Petkov, C. I. [et al., including Schaeffer, D., J.] (2022). Toward next-generation primate neuroscience: A collaboration-based strategic plan for integrative neuroimaging. Neuron, 110, 16-20.

43. Hori, Y., Clery, J. C., Schaeffer, D. J., Menon, R. S., Everling, S. (2022). Functional organization of frontoparietal cortex in the marmoset investigated with awake resting-state fMRI. Cerebral Cortex, 32, 1965-1977.


42. Gilbert, K. M., Clery, J. C., Gati, J., Hori, Y., Johnston, K., Mashkovtsev, A., Selvanayagam, J., Zeeman, P., Menon, R. S., Schaeffer, D. J., Everling, S. (2021). Simultaneous functional MRI of two awake marmosets. Nature Communications, 12, 6608.

41. Hori, Y., Clery, J. C., Selvanayagam, J., Schaeffer, D. J., Johnston, K. D., Menon, R. S., Everling, S. E. (2021). Interspecies activation correlations reveal correspondences between marmoset and human brain areas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118 (37) e2110980118.

40. Selvanayagam, J., Johnston, K. D., Wong, R., Schaeffer, D. J., Everling S. E. (2021). Ketamine disrupts gaze patterns during face viewing in the common marmoset. Journal of Neurophysiology, 125, 330-339.

39. Clery, J. C., Hori, Y., Schaeffer, D. J., Menon, R. S., Everling, S. E. (2021). Neural network of social interaction observation in marmosets. eLife, 10, e65012.

38. Schaeffer, D. J., Liu, C., Silva, A. C., Everling, S. (2021). Magnetic resonance imaging of marmoset monkeys. The Institute for Laboratory Animal Research Journal, 61, 274-285.

37. Adam, R., Schaeffer, D. J., Johnston, K. D., Menon, R. S., Everling, S. (2021). Structural alterations in the macaque frontoparietal white matter network after recovery from prefrontal cortex lesions. NeuroImage, 232, 117919.

36. Sharma, S., Schaeffer, D. J., Vinken, K., Everling, S., Nelissen, K. (2021). Intrinsic functional clustering of ventral premotor F5 in the macaque brain. NeuroImage, 227, 117647.


35. Clery, J. C., Hori, Y., Schaeffer, D. J., Gati, J. S., Pruszynski, J. A., Everling, S. (2020). Whole brain mapping of somatosensory responses in awake marmosets investigated with ultra-high field fMRI. Journal of Neurophysiology, 124 (6), 1900-1913.

34. Hori, Y., Schaeffer, D. J., Yoshida, A., Clery, J. C., Hayrynen, L. K., Gati, J. S., Menon, R. S., Everling, S. (2020). Cortico-subcortical functional connectivity in marmosets and humans. Journal of Neuroscience, 40 (48), 9236-9249.

33. Schaeffer, D. J., Selvanayagam, J., Johnston, K. D., Menon, R. S., Freiwald, W. A., Everling, S. (2020). Face selective patches in marmoset frontal cortex. Nature Communications, 11, 4856.

32. Schaeffer, D. J., Hori, Y., Gilbert, K. M., Gati, J. S., Menon, R. S., Everling, S. (2020). Divergence of rodent and primate medial frontal cortex functional connectivity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(35), 21681-21689.

31. Hori, Y.*, Schaeffer, D. J.*, Gilbert, K. M., Hayrynen, L. K., Clery, J. C., Gati, J. S., Menon, R. S., Everling, S. (2020). Altered resting-state functional connectivity between awake and isoflurane anesthetized marmosets. Cerebral Cortex, 30(11), 5943-5959. *Co-first authors.

30. Clery, J., Schaeffer, D. J., Hori, Y., Gilbert, K. M., Hayrynen, L. K., Gati, J. S., Menon, R. S., Everling, S. (2020). Looming and receding visual networks in awake marmosets investigated with fMRI. NeuroImage, 215, 116815.

29. Hori, Y., Schaeffer, D. J., Gilbert, K. M., Hayrynen, L. K., Clery, J. C., Gati, J. S., Menon, R. S., Everling, S. (2020). Comparison of resting-state functional connectivity in marmosets with tracer-based cellular connectivity. NeuroImage, 204, 116241.


28. Selvanayagam, J., Johnston, K. D., Schaeffer, D. J., Hayrynen, L. K., Everling, S. (2019). Functional localization of the frontal eye fields in the common marmoset using microstimulation. Journal of Neuroscience, 39, 9197-9206.

27. Schaeffer, D. J., Gilbert, K. M., Hori, Y., Hayrynen, L. K., Johnston, K. D., Gati, J. S., Menon, R. S., Everling, S. (2019). Task-based fMRI of a free-viewing visuo-saccadic network in the marmoset monkey. NeuroImage, 202,116147.

26. Schaeffer, D. J., Gilbert, K. M., Hori, Y., Gati, J. S., Menon, R. S., Everling, S. (2019) Integrated radiofrequency array and animal holder design for minimizing head motion during awake marmoset functional magnetic resonance imaging. NeuroImage, 193, 126-138.

25. Schaeffer, D. J., Gilbert, K. M., Gati, J. S., Menon, R. S., Everling, S. (2019). Intrinsic functional boundaries of lateral frontal cortex in the common marmoset monkey. Journal of Neuroscience, 39, 1020-1029.

24. Schaeffer, D. J., Gilbert, K. M., Ghahremani, M., Gati, J. S., Menon, R. S., Everling, S. (2019). Intrinsic functional clustering of anterior cingulate cortex in the common marmoset. NeuroImage, 186, 301-307.

23. Gilbert, K. M., Schaeffer, D. J., Gati, J. S., Klassen, M., Everling, S., Menon, R. S. (2019). Open-source hardware designs for MRI of mice, rats, and marmosets: integrated animal holders and radiofrequency coils. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 312, 65-72.

22. Burton, C. R., Schaeffer, D. J., Bobilev, A. M., Pierce, J. E., Rodrigue, A. L., Krafft, C. E., Clementz, B. A., Lauderdale, J. D., McDowell, J. E. (2018). Microstructural Differences in Visual White Matter Tracts in People with Aniridia. NeuroReport, 29, 17.

21. Schaeffer, D. J., Johnston, K. D., Gilbert, K. M., Gati, J. S., Menon, R. S., & Everling, S. (2018). In vivo manganese tract tracing of frontal eye fields in rhesus macaque with ultra-high field MRI: comparison with DWI tractography. NeuroImage, 181, 211-218. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.06.072.

20. Gilbert, K. M., Schaeffer, D. J., Zeeman, P., Diedrichsen, J., Martinez-Trujillo, J. C., Pruszynski, J. A., Everling, S. & Menon, R. S. (2018). Concentric radiofrequency arrays to increase the statistical power of resting-state maps in monkeys. NeuroImage, 178, 287-294.

19. Johnston, K. D., Barker, K., Hayrynen, L. K., Schaeffer, D. J., Everling, S. (2018). Methods for chair restraint and training of the common marmoset on oculomotor tasks. Journal of Neurophysiology, 119, 1636-1646. doi: 10.1152/jn.00866.2017

18. Rodrigue, A. L., Schaeffer, D. J., Peirce, J. E., Clementz, B. A., McDowell, J. E. (2018). Evaluating the specificity of cognitive control deficits in schizophrenia using antisaccade, functional magnetic resonance imaging, and healthy individuals with poor cognitive control. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9, 107. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00107

17. Schaeffer, D. J., Adam, R., Gilbert, K. M., Gati, J. S., Li, A. X., Menon, R. S., & Everling, S. (2017). Diffusion weighted tractography in the common marmoset monkey at 9.4 T. Journal of Neurophysiology, 118,1344-1354. doi: 10.1152/jn.00259.2017

16. Schaeffer, D. J., Rodrigue, A. L., Pierce, J. E., Murphy, M. N., Clementz, B. A., McDowell, J. E. (2017). White matter fiber integrity of the saccadic eye movement network differs between schizophrenia and healthy groups. Psychophysiology, 54, 1967-1977. doi: 10.1111/psyp.12969

15. Gilbert, K. M., Gati, J. S., Zeman, P., Schaeffer, D. J., Everling, S., Menon, R. S. (2017). A geometrically adjustable receive array for imaging marmoset cohorts. NeuroImage, 156, 78-86. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.05.013

14. Ye, J., Li, Y., Lazar, N. A., Schaeffer, D. J., & McDowell, J. E. (2016). Finding common active regions in fMRI data from multiple subjects by periodogram clustering and clustering ensemble. Statistics in Medicine, 35, 2635-2651. doi: 10.1002/sim.6906

13. Schaeffer, D. J., Rodrigue, A. L., Pierce, J. E., Unsworth, N., Clementz, B. A., McDowell, J. E. (2015). White matter structural integrity differs between people with schizophrenia and healthy groups as a function of cognitive control. Schizophrenia Research, 169, 62-68. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2015.11.001

12. Schwarz, N. F., Krafft, C. E., Chi, L., Weinberger, A. L., Schaeffer, D. J., Pierce, J. E., Rodrigue, A. L., DiBattisto, C. H., Maria, B. L., Davis, C. L., & McDowell, J. E. (2015). Antisaccade-related brain activation in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Pediatric Research: Neuroimaging, 234, 272-279. doi: 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2015.10.003

11. Bustamante, E. E., Krafft, C. E., Schaeffer, D. J., McDowell, J. E., Davis, C. L. The chronic exercise-cognition effect in overweight and obese children (2015). In T. McMorris (Ed.), Exercise-Cognition Interaction: Neuroscience Perspectives. New York: Elsevier.

10. Schaeffer, D. J., Chi, L., Krafft, C. E., Li, Q., Schwarz, N. F., & McDowell, J. E. (2015). Individual differences in working memory moderate the relationship between prosaccade latency and antisaccade error rate. Psychophysiology, 52, 605-608. doi: 10.1111/psyp.12380

9. Schaeffer, D. J., Krafft, C. E., Schwarz, N. F., Chi, L., Rodrigue, A. L., Pierce, J. E., Allison, J. D., Yanasak, N. E., Liu, T., Davis, C. L., & McDowell, J. E. (2014). An 8-month exercise intervention alters uncinate fasciculus white matter integrity in overweight children. Psychophysiology, 51, 728-733. doi: 10.1111/psyp.12227

8. Schaeffer, D. J., Krafft, C. E., Schwarz, N. F., Chi, L., Rodrigue, A. L., Pierce, J. E., Allison, J. D., Yanasak, N. E., Liu, T., Davis, C. L., & McDowell, J. E. (2014). The relationship between uncinate fasciculus white matter integrity and verbal memory proficiency in children. NeuroReport, 25, 921-925. doi: 10.1097/WNR.0000000000000204

7. Frank, D. W., Dewitt, M.A., Hudgens-Haney, M., Schaeffer, D. J., Ball, B. H., Schwarz, N, Huessein A. A., Schwarz, N., Smart, L. M., & Sabatinelli, D. (2014). Emotion regulation: quantitative meta-analysis of functional activation and deactivation. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 45, 202-211. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2014.06.010

6. Krafft, C. E., Schaeffer, D. J., Schwarz, N. F., Chi, L., Weinberger, A. L., Pierce, J. E., Rodrique, A. L., Allison, J. D., Yanasak, N. E., Liu, T., Davis, C. L., & McDowell, J. E. (2014). Improved fronto-parietal white matter integrity is associated with attendance in an after-school exercise program. Developmental Neuroscience, 36, 1-9. doi: 10.1159/000356219

5. Krafft, C. E., Pierce, J. E., Schwarz, N. F., Chi, L., Weinberger, A. L., Schaeffer, D. J., Rodrigue, A. L., Camchong, J., Allison, J. D., Yanasak, N. E., Liu, T., Davis, C. L., & McDowell, J. E. (2014). An eight month exercise intervention alters resting state synchrony in overweight children. Neuroscience, 256, 445-455. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2013.09.052

4. Krafft, C.E., Schwarz, N. F., Chi, L., Weinberger, A. L., Schaeffer, D. J., Pierce, J. E., Rodrigue, A. L., Allison, J. D., Yanasak, N. E., Miller, P. H., Tomporowski, P. D., Davis, C. L., & McDowell, J. E. (2014). An 8-month exercise intervention alters brain activation in overweight children. Obesity, 22, 232-242. doi: 10.1002/oby.20518

3. Schaeffer, D. J., Amlung, M. T., Li, Q., Krafft C. E., Austin, B. P., Dyckman, K. A., & McDowell, J. E. (2013). Neural correlates of behavioral variation in healthy adults’ antisaccade performance. Psychophysiology, 50, 325-333. doi: 10.1111/psyp.12030

2. Krafft, C. E., Schwarz, N. F., Chi, L., Li, Q., Schaeffer, D. J., Rodrigue, A. L., … & McDowell, J. E. (2012). The location and function of parietal cortex supporting of reflexive and volitional saccades, a meta-analysis of over a decade of functional MRI data. In A. Costa & E. Villalba (Eds.), Horizons of neuroscience research, volume 9 (pp. 131-153). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

1. Helton, W. S., Hayrynen, L., & Schaeffer, D. J. (2009). Sustained attention to local and global target features is different: Performance and tympanic membrane temperature. Brain & Cognition, 71, 9-13. doi: 10.1016/j.bandc.2009.03.001